Thursday, August 28, 2014

Wasteful: the truth behind the CDR

     The CDR means many things to many different people. For athletes, its the time for their team to gather and unwind after a long day of practice, for freshman, its an intimidating place filled with awkward first encounters, and for the rest of the those who dine there, it is a convenient place to eat and meet up with friends. While many flippantly complain about the food being served there, there is a more urgent and disheartening concern at hand. Every night, after dinner is over, dozens and dozens of chaffers of wasted food are poured out into the trash. Due to food regulations, Sodexo cannot donate food from pans that have already been served from. However, what about the trays upon trays of untouched food that go to waste? Instead of feeding the impoverished citizens of the city we are so distinctly removed from, the food is then put in the compost barrel or thrown away.
     Living amongst the impoverished citizens of Springfield, it seems like a crime to be throwing away all of this food when our neighbors are struggling to feed their families.

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