Wednesday, November 5, 2014


     Blogs are informative and an interesting way to learn about what others think about specific topics. From political issues to personal rants, these blogs are diverse in all of their ways. While many may enjoy blogging their every moment, I prefer to simply live in the moment. I hate blogs.
     Aside from a flagrant dislike of being forced to write creatively each week, I also do not enjoy sharing my word vomit with other people. When, and if I am inspired, blogging can be a wonderful outlet, however, when I am 10 blogs behind and find myself being 'inspired' by the very hamburger that I am eating, I scold myself. No one wants to read about a hamburger, Sam.
     So where can I go from here? Write about the mundane happenings of my boring life to become the laughing stock of writers everywhere? Or take the hit on not blogging because writing these blogs are the bane of my existence?
     I digress-blogging is not entirely awful. When I have the need to blog, I appreciate that this tool is there for me. Yet these yearnings are few and far between, and certainly not often enough to desire to keep up an official blog. Long story short, I would rather write more stories than blog about nonsensical daily musings. Tweeting might also be a good compromise. You can really say a lot in those few characters, and they are much easier to get 'on the scene scoops.'
     Regardless, I hate blogs. I hate blogging. And my blog is almost as awful as my feelings towards it. 

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